FRP chute - FRP application in logistics transportation field
Source:Fiberglass composite | Author:Reproduced | Published time: 318 days ago | 52 Views | Share:

    At present, China is in a critical period of industrial upgrading, and various industries are facing the trend of transformation towards automation and intelligence. In this era where higher integration 

levels and better core equipment are generally required, the continuous expansion of demand for logistics equipment has brought unprecedented business opportunities to various companies.


    As an important product in the field of logistics transportation, chute has become increasingly standardized, modularized and molded. It has many advantages such as small space occupation,

 energy saving, environmental protection, and low maintenance cost. The following introduces the outstanding advantages of fiberglass chutes compared with traditional carbon steel chutes.

    Carbon steel is heavy and uses steel plates in a block design with very high hardness. If it is a chute with a large rotation angle, it will be very difficult to make. Maintenance costs are also high.

 A complete set of carbon steel chutes requires many steel plates. Assembly through a large number of screws and welding requires a lot of manpower and cannot be reused. Moreover, the 

surface of the carbon steel chute is rough and the friction coefficient is large, especially for light and small items, which are prone to jamming and accumulation of goods. Due to the poor 

corrosion resistance of carbon steel, after the surface plating material is worn, it is easy to rust, which not only increases the resistance to the sliding of goods, but also wears the packaging of

 the goods.

The surface of the FRP chute is smooth and the friction is very small. The goods fit the bottom of the chute and slide down quickly and evenly. There is no bouncing, rolling or jamming. 

There is no overturning of large items. The end speed of the chute is gentle, and there is no collision with the chute or platform goods. , stably staying at the center line of the conveying 


Its core technology includes the following aspects:

1. The FRP chute adopts 3D engraving integrated molding technology. The angle deviation is less than 1° and the surface deviation is less than ±5mm. It can accurately manufacture chute 

at any angle. It has more prominent advantages when manufacturing chute with large height difference and rotation angle. ;

2. The modular design of the FRP chute can accommodate goods of different shapes, weights and dynamic friction coefficients; it improves the manufacturing accuracy of the FRP chute, 

reduces welding time, and avoids welding deformation;

3. Fiberglass chutes provide the safest and most reliable method for downward transportation of goods. The specially designed chutes can accurately make chutes at any angle, and goods 

can slide down naturally and smoothly, which helps control the speed of goods falling so that goods are less likely to appear. In case of tumbling and jumping, it can effectively reduce the 

tumbling and damage rate of goods by at least 70%;

4. Flange-type production, using new composite fiberglass materials, has extremely strong mechanical properties, saves labor costs during installation, and reduces design, manufacturing, 

and installation errors.